Monday, November 1, 2010

My Weekend | Boston/UNH

Went out in Boston with some of the regulars (I'm just gonna get to the good stuff). Head out of Buddy & Jared's place and Jordan asks Jared if he has his keys so we can get in when we get back and Jared says yeah. Everyone's at Sissy K's and Jared decides to go to another bar (do you see where this is going?). So, our night at Sissy K's is winding down and we get cabs back to the house. Jared is nowhere to be found and not answering his phone. We knock and knock and knock on the door some more, no answer. Now we're trying to figure out how we're going to get in. Jordan climbs a fence on the side of the apartments (we need to get in on the second floor), while standing on the fence, Malcolm climbs the fence and climbs Jordan to get to a ledge and jump in a window. Malcolm opens the door for us and everyone goes in, Malcolm says Jared's not in his room. Then Jordan goes in Jared's room and takes a harder look and finds Jared passed out under the covers. Thanks Jared! What a guy!

Next morning.
Nate, Jared, Malcolm and myself go to Babson so Boyd can shower and whatnot. When we get in Jared's truck I find a cell phone in the back, not just any old cell phone, it's a flip phone. I know, who the fuck has a flip phone nowadays. Anyway, I look through the contacts and find the normal, parents, Jocelyn and what have you. One contact name stood out, a fellow named Ice Chuck. Jared claims no one was in the truck besides us and Jordan so we have no idea whose phone this is and what to do with it. I chose to give Ice Chuck a shout to see what he was up to but no response, so I left a voicemail saying we found the phone. As we leave Babson and head to Five Guy's (not McDonald's) to get some food, my man Ice Chuck gives me a ring back, I answer and a girl picks up the phone and says "hello, who is this?", I say "who is this?", clever right? She responds with "the owner of the phone". I hang up and since Jared does not know whose phone this is in his truck we leave the phone in the parking lot. We sit down and eat at Five Guy's (not McDonald's) and it finalllllly occurs to Jared he drove home a co-worker of Jordan's. It was this poor ladies last day at work and now she is phone-less. We get to the truck and the phone is no longer in the parking lot, oh well. We agree not to tell Jordan about the phone as there is nothing we can do at this point. Oh, and Nathan didn't get Jordan his burger from Five Guy's like he said, because the line was too long when we were heading out the door. Instead we got Buddy a burger from MCDONALDS and told him that is where we ate.

Around four o'clock we head to the liquor store, get a beer ball with some cups, post it up in the back seat of the truck and head to UNH for the night. I took some notes during the night and here's what was typed in the memo pad of my blackberry.

- We arrived at Em's all wearing mustaches. We had just went to an iparty to get costumes and thought it was a good idea.

- To Jordan: "why does your family love cats and buffalo chicken?" - Jared

- Malcolm wins costume of the group (pictured above) if you watch Eastbound & Down you'll understand.

- "I saw a guy in the bathroom with an uncircumcised dick, i looked cause he was tugging on it" - Jared

- "Charlie Brown sucks" - random in bathroom. Jared was dressed as Charlie Brown

- I take a shot with Malcolm and some of his buddies he knows at UNH and do the Mighty Ducks "Quack" chant.

- Some of us are at a local store after the bar getting snacks and we stand outside with a group of about 15 random people and watch a college student take a sobriety test. The student passes the test and walks back to his car, while the crowd of us cheer and clap for him. The police officer comes over to us and says "why would you clap?". He then drives away and pulls the student over again. Now thats some Super Troopers shit right there... sorry kid.


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