Tuesday, November 30, 2010

NokSide's New Project

Word is he is currently working on an intro song for the Harwich Rough Riders boys basketball team. I believe it will be over the Ruff Ryders Anthem beat. Can't wait to hear this one!

The Rough Riders first game is December 10th, so hopefully we won't have to wait to long to get a listen to the track.

Wiz Khalifa Talks Touring, Females with Curly Hair, Marijuana, & More

Flashing Lights 2?

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Weekend | Part 3

Buddy and Gody agreed to a dirty man competition. First one to shave owes the other, $35.62.

Thinking of a game to play... "Oh, the game where Obby shuts off all the lights?"

"Buddy you should quit your job and be a gps for a cab driver."- Gody


Go to 586 have a good time and when we go to leave some drunk bodiqua is pulling at the door handles on every car in the lot, and is getting closer to my car. So, I make sure the doors are locked and watch her bang the windows and pull the handle. The four of us waiting to get in are laughing untill we realize how damn cold it is and want to leave. So, A and his female friend get in on the opposite side of the car while this intoxicated beast is still thinking the car is going to magically unlock if she bangs the windows. Now I have to play defense on this girl while another girl is trying to get in the back so I can drive everyone home. Down to just me outside trying to get into my own car, what am I to do? Another car with two of our friends pull up and the troll waddles over to their ride. I jump in and leave, finally.

Now, we go to some grimey house party and see some randoms. First question asked when we arrive, "want a four loko?".. No way, man. See some real sexual moves going on in the living room on the dance floor, and just wanna get outta there. But, as I'm standing there talking with a girl some drunk girl posts up next to us and is balancing herself against the wall and pulling on my arm. I know right, what's with these drunk bitches tonight.

Are you thinking about that other poor girl we left out in the cold? No worries she got a ride! So when I got in my car she got in the other car my buddies pulled up in. They take her to Yarmouth and on their way there she throws up in the back of the car. The passenger dropped his phone under the seat and instead of getting it he was going to wait until they stopped. Not a good idea. The drunk girl that their giving a ride to whom none of us know by the way, grabs the phone without him seeing. She gets dropped of with some other guys and the two think they're in the clear. No one can find the cell phone in the car and the driver said he saw the girl leave the car wit ha phone so the two have to drive back and get the phone.

and I wasn't going to go out that night...

Kid Cudi | Mojo So Dope

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Steve Brown Is About To Be A Problem

Basketball starts the 29th. Look out for this future 1,000 point scorer.

Bang & Olufsen BeoSound 8

Bang & Olufsen BeoSound 8

Blake Griffin's Top 10

Watch Griffin and the Clippers tonight on TNT at 10:30 following John Wall and the Wizards at 8

Monday, November 22, 2010

Harwich Basketball Only 1 Week Away | Juniors Joe Dimauro & Jen Gonsalves Look to Lead Their Teams to the Post-Season

My Weekend in Boston | Part 2

This was one of my drunker nights so I don't have too much. I don't even remember taking any of the pictures that I did, but I'll give ya what I got.

We started drinking before dinner, around six I wanna say. Then went out to eat for Buddy's birthday dinner and got margaritas at Papa Goya? Went back to the apartment, drank more, drank more, drank more. Oh, everyone went to dinner besides Gody, as he was waiting to his roommates to arrive, but when we got back Gody was watching tv alone, crushing beers.

So we're drinking beers, jack & some good ol' four loko's, yea it was a mess. Gody seemed to be the drunkest before heading out so Buddy took him into his room to talk to him. Buddy came out of the room, shut the door and turned off the music to make an announcement. I thought he was going to give us the bad news that Gody was too drunk to come out with us, thank god I was wrong. There was only one way Buddy was going to let Gody come out with us, if he wore his tuxedo out in Faneuil Hall. Sure enough, he did.

Don't really remember too much when we were out so I'll just have to write the things I have in my blackberry from earlier:

"On a scale of 1 to Ethipian, how hungry are you?" - Gody
"Smolian" - HJT

"I don't like the smug look on the ladies face" - HJT (looking at some lady on the highway)

(Passing a car on the highway)... "Speed up and burn this asshole"- HJT
We pass and Hummer looks into the car and says "That's a jew if I've ever seen one, had mad jew characteristics"

"I'd love to snuggle with a pig at night"- Hummer

(Inside Taco Bell) "Breathing all the white man's air."- Gody

(At the mexican restaurant, Chip in a whisper to the guy making our guacamole)
"Beat the guac up, beat the guac up."- Chip

(To Hunter) "I've seen the girls you hook up with, you have terrible taste"- Buddy

I sarcastically say "Let's have a good time with good friends!"
Gody responds with "GO TO AN APPLEBEES!"

"If it was my mom's birthday I'd spit in her face"- Gody

"Bitches be doin me dirty"- Gody

(To MWill) "You were little spoon for a while"- E

"Jennifer Aniston follows me on twitter"- MWill

"Gianna Michales takes Jerome Murdock"- Gody (Jerome Murdock = Middle name and street name to make porn name)

"You know when your hungover and all you wanna do is beat off? I'm having that feeling"- Gody

"You don't have a sidekick anymore, so your not getting money like, na na na na na"- Gody

...the end

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Life & Times of Buddy W.

Haven't done one of these in a whillleeeee, so for the new readers let me break it down. There's probably ten of these stories at least, so go back and catch up if you need to. They are all true stories about my good friend Buddy W. (pictured above). So let me fill you in on the newest story I have from Buddy.

Just like in all the other stories, Buddy is drinking. Like in most of the stories, Buddy gets blackout. So from what I hear, Buddy and two friends are at a bar in Boston. With his excellent vision, Buddy commits the robbery on some older guys table. When the man tells him, he and some friends are sitting at the table, Jordan responds with "I don't see your name on it." So, he was saying things like that. Hope you can now imagine him like this.
Now, the three friends leave the bar and are walking on the sidewalk. Buddy for some reason is walking much faster than the others and has a sizable lead on them. He then decides to drop kick a parking meter. He strikes the meter with his foot and bounced off it a little and began stumbling across the sidewalk. Then, Buddy lost his footing and fell through a glass window. The other two are starring from the other side of the road at their friend laying in glass with a loud alarm going off. What do you think they do? Wrong. They run. Buddy then realizes the situation he's in and gets up and catches up to his friends.
With a bloody cut on his arm and some more cuts on his hand, Buddy and his pals grab a cab and are off to the strip club. Just a regular old night for Buddy.

Two Nicki Tracks With Big Features

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Weekend in Boston

(picture is from the last time we saw Kings of Leon)

So, Jared and I decide to leave friday night. We're getting ready to head out and Nathan calls me and says he's parked in Jared's spot at his apartment. Obviously, now we can't go. Instead we give Nevin a call and spend the night in Salem. We get there late night and just drink some beers while watching some East Bound & Down. Nev tells Jared about how some lady that lives on the first floor is a real witch, and Jared is scared for the rest of the night. Not a bad start to the weekend. Wake up, go to Bagel World and bump into Chris Ripa, who woulda thunk it.
We get to Boston around... I have no idea what time we got to Boston. We watch some TV, I beat Buddy in NCAA Football, drink some beers, and get some dinner. Malcolm arrives and we start planning our night out. We end up going to the Whiskey Priest, Malcolm drops $70 on the first round of shots and beers. Place is pretty wack, so we leave. Now this is where my blackberry notes come into play. This is now a combination of what I remember and what I wrote down.

- "I like Teen Mom better than 16 & Pregnant because they struggle financially" -Jared

- After the bar Jared took a orange cone and was throwing it around while yelling at the trucks that weren't as good as his.

- "Let's get in a pile and fuck like dogs" - Jared

- In the truck Jared notices it's 11:42 and says "I fuck box at 11:42"

- "I fuck 7's. If I touch an 8 or 9 I'm gonna be faithful." -Boyd

- Boyd, Nathan, and I decide on going to Babson for the night. Went to some lame party and walked back to Malcolm's. Some kid closes to door on the three of us and eventually opens it up. Malcolm wants to introduce Nate and I to some girls but the same douchebag kid pulls her back and says he'll save her from the low lives referring to us. I'm thinking to myself "man this kid's gay." We walk away and Malcolm may or may not have mumbled "faggot". This kid goes into some homo rage and starts screaming at Malcolm, who has made it half way up the stairs and I have to call him back down. The homosexual is yelling "you piece of shit, I'll kick the shit outta you", with some kids holding him back. I can only imagine the trouble Boyd would've been in if he wasn't being held back, hahahahahaahahha jk. We just laugh this kid off and go back up to the room.

- Malcolm forgot when I explained about not saying anything he didn't want to see on the internet and is using his get out of jail free card on some suspect shit he said.

- "You can't beat me at love making" - Buddy
"Your too young to make love" - Boyd

- "Did Tyler Keane just call me gross!?" - Jared

- "Nathan and I were talking about how getting rapped is flattering" - Buddy

- Jared complained about getting a free shot at the bar we were pre-gaming at for KoL

- We were talking to some girls we had just met and I remember Rory and this girl talking and joking and all I have written down/remember is Jordan saying to Rory "what are you doing later?" and Rory responds with (while looking at the girl) "Fucking you"

- Rory tells me he likes Buddy's cardigan but doesn't think he can pull it off. Jordan says he'll get him a cardigan starter kit to start slow and Rory says "a startigan?"

- Jordan orders some Jack & Coke's but the waitress informs him they don't have Jack, I know gay. He then asks what well whiskey they have and she doesn't know so Buddy orders a shit & coke.

- Malcolm writes a little note to the waitress on his receipt: "your too pretty to frown". We stayed at the bar and Boyd continued hitting on her, it was cute.

- Inside the Garden we talked to just about everyone we saw. I have something written down about Jordan yelling at a guy and then asking him how much he wanted for his jacket.

- Flirt a little with some old ladies getting drinks in front of us. Get to our seats and who's sitting behind us? Yup those same ladies.

- Jordan lost his phone, wallet and Jareds car keys.

- We sang and danced through every row around us, Rory punched the ceiling and some guy came out of no where and asked him to stop.

- Jordan, Rory and I talked about going down to the floor because it didn't look full, but we never did. Then towards the end of the concert I don't see Rory anymore and I get a picture message from him with floor seats.

- Buddy jumped out of the car at every red light to dance in the street. When we were about a block away he then jumped out and raced the car home.

- Finally get Jordan's belongings and Jared's keys so we can go. Make the first stop at Jordan's place so Nathan and I can get his car and go to some girls place to sleep. On the way there I read two bbm's from Rory that I never saw and they said:
"Any fre titties up there"... and
"Well? I'm at our seats where are you"

So thats that. Another good time, with good friends.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh and Jordan parked the shit out of Jared's truck... twice.

First Single Off Detox | Kush (feat. Snoop & Akon)


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rihanna (feat. Eminem) | Love The Way You Lie Pt. 2


My Boy NokSide Killin' It at the Wequassett Talent Show

Kanye's Third Album Cover | Updated Tracklist

1. ‘Dark Fantasy’
2. ‘Gorgeous’ ft. KiD CuDi & Raekwon
3. ‘Power’
4. ‘All Of The Lights’ (Interlude)
5. ‘All Of The Lights’ ft. Various Artists
6. ‘Monster’ ft. Rick Ross, Jay-Z, Nicki Minaj & Bon Iver
7. ‘So Appalled’ ft. Swizz Beatz, Jay-Z, Pusha T, CyHi Da Prynce & RZA
8. ‘Devil In A New Dress’ ft. Rick Ross
9. ‘Runaway’ ft. Pusha T
10. ‘Hell Of A Life’
11. ‘Blame Game’ ft. John Legend & Pusha T
12. ‘Lost In The World’
13. ‘Who Will Survive In America’

14. ‘See Me Now’ ft. Beyoncé & Charlie Wilson (Bonus)
15. ‘Chain Heavy’ ft. M.I.A (Exclusive iTunes Bonus)
16. ‘Momma’s Boyfriend’ (Exclusive iTunes Bonus)
17. ‘Power’ (Remix) ft. Jay-Z & Swizz Beatz (Exclusive iTunes Bonus)
18. ‘Pure’ ft. Mr Hudson (Exclusive iTunes Bonus)

Monday, November 1, 2010

My Weekend | Boston/UNH

Went out in Boston with some of the regulars (I'm just gonna get to the good stuff). Head out of Buddy & Jared's place and Jordan asks Jared if he has his keys so we can get in when we get back and Jared says yeah. Everyone's at Sissy K's and Jared decides to go to another bar (do you see where this is going?). So, our night at Sissy K's is winding down and we get cabs back to the house. Jared is nowhere to be found and not answering his phone. We knock and knock and knock on the door some more, no answer. Now we're trying to figure out how we're going to get in. Jordan climbs a fence on the side of the apartments (we need to get in on the second floor), while standing on the fence, Malcolm climbs the fence and climbs Jordan to get to a ledge and jump in a window. Malcolm opens the door for us and everyone goes in, Malcolm says Jared's not in his room. Then Jordan goes in Jared's room and takes a harder look and finds Jared passed out under the covers. Thanks Jared! What a guy!

Next morning.
Nate, Jared, Malcolm and myself go to Babson so Boyd can shower and whatnot. When we get in Jared's truck I find a cell phone in the back, not just any old cell phone, it's a flip phone. I know, who the fuck has a flip phone nowadays. Anyway, I look through the contacts and find the normal, parents, Jocelyn and what have you. One contact name stood out, a fellow named Ice Chuck. Jared claims no one was in the truck besides us and Jordan so we have no idea whose phone this is and what to do with it. I chose to give Ice Chuck a shout to see what he was up to but no response, so I left a voicemail saying we found the phone. As we leave Babson and head to Five Guy's (not McDonald's) to get some food, my man Ice Chuck gives me a ring back, I answer and a girl picks up the phone and says "hello, who is this?", I say "who is this?", clever right? She responds with "the owner of the phone". I hang up and since Jared does not know whose phone this is in his truck we leave the phone in the parking lot. We sit down and eat at Five Guy's (not McDonald's) and it finalllllly occurs to Jared he drove home a co-worker of Jordan's. It was this poor ladies last day at work and now she is phone-less. We get to the truck and the phone is no longer in the parking lot, oh well. We agree not to tell Jordan about the phone as there is nothing we can do at this point. Oh, and Nathan didn't get Jordan his burger from Five Guy's like he said, because the line was too long when we were heading out the door. Instead we got Buddy a burger from MCDONALDS and told him that is where we ate.

Around four o'clock we head to the liquor store, get a beer ball with some cups, post it up in the back seat of the truck and head to UNH for the night. I took some notes during the night and here's what was typed in the memo pad of my blackberry.

- We arrived at Em's all wearing mustaches. We had just went to an iparty to get costumes and thought it was a good idea.

- To Jordan: "why does your family love cats and buffalo chicken?" - Jared

- Malcolm wins costume of the group (pictured above) if you watch Eastbound & Down you'll understand.

- "I saw a guy in the bathroom with an uncircumcised dick, i looked cause he was tugging on it" - Jared

- "Charlie Brown sucks" - random in bathroom. Jared was dressed as Charlie Brown

- I take a shot with Malcolm and some of his buddies he knows at UNH and do the Mighty Ducks "Quack" chant.

- Some of us are at a local store after the bar getting snacks and we stand outside with a group of about 15 random people and watch a college student take a sobriety test. The student passes the test and walks back to his car, while the crowd of us cheer and clap for him. The police officer comes over to us and says "why would you clap?". He then drives away and pulls the student over again. Now thats some Super Troopers shit right there... sorry kid.


Big Sean | Too Fake (feat. Chiddy Bang)

Big Sean - Too Fake (Ft. Chiddy Bang) from illRoots.com on Vimeo.

Wylin Cause I'm Young