Soooooooooooo Hunter brings a guest to Jared's 21st birthday party on Cape. Like the gentleman Hunter is he introduces her like so, "Hi, this is my friend Catie, we don't have sex". He introduces her to everyone like this and when I say everyone that includes Jared's parents. What does this have to do with Buddy you ask? Just hold on I'm getting there. So. myself, Jared, Buddy and about four others start drinking say around five or so and we aren't expecting people really till around 9ish. We were all drinking very heavily to the point where Jared threw up around 8:30 and right when the guests started arriving is when I started blacking out. Now apparently Jordan wanted to find out a little more about Hunter's friend Catie, I haven't a clue why but he did. I do not know how Buddy, Malcolm and Catie all ended up in the den together but they did and here is where the story gets good. Buddy starts asking questions about school and whatever, you know the usual stuff. Come to find out Catie (the girl Hunter doesn't have sex with if you forgot) is on a rugby team. Now that Jordan knows this he asks her if she can show him some of her tackling moves on the couch pillows. As she takes down pillow after pillow with no regard for human kind, Buddy has her stop and says that she has to talk shit while she is hitting the pillows. Catie asks for a suggestion and Buddy tells her after you hit one of them, to stand over it, bump your fists on your chest and say, "eat my pussy". So I guess she really liked that idea and went back to destroying the den pillows and then standing over them proudly say "eat my pussy". Wow Hunter what a girl.
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