(picture from a night where Jared fell asleep at the woodshed)
Lets get right into it...
Jared had plans to go up to his place in Providence for a couple nights mid-July, and I thought, what the hell why not go with him. Fast forward to the second night, Jared and the roommates have plans to invite some people over to the house for a small get together. Earlier that day Jared and I go to the liquor store and pick up a 30, a bottle of SoCo, and for some reason Jared wanted tequila.
I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say we started drinking around 7. So after probably 3 beers or so Jared breaks out the SoCo and lime shots. We do one... then two... and three... and four, then I head back to the beers and Jared does like two or three more shots, and if I'm not mistaken this is still before anyone arrives. Okay so now there's around 14 people there maybe (including Jared, five people live there and I make six so eight other people, nothing crazy) and Jared starts pouring some tequila shots I take two, Jared most likely puts back like five plus.
At this point there's probably five people left at the house and we walk to the nearby gas station for some food. Jared doesn't want anything so I sit with him outside and wait for the others. We weren't sitting for more then two minutes and I look to my right and he's laying down in mulch right by the red-box dvd machine. So a roommate and I walk Jared back to the apartment and he's off to bed.
And yes, that is a below average night for Jared Wilson.
p.s. if anyone wants to send in a story no matter how long or short that would be appreciated. You know how to reach me. Thanks.
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